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Now 14,000+ definitions, U.S. case law abbreviations & law guide
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- Blacks Law Dictionary (2nd Edition), Bouvier's Law Dictionary and Wechsler's Law Dictionary.
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* Law Dictionary: Over 14,000+ definitions *offline!* - 28,000+ online!!
* All major abbreviations for case citation, e.g. F.2d, N.W.2d
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* Fixed 100 definitions where words were not appearing
* Fix to prevent app from closing on certain phones
UPDATE 7/4/14 - TheLaw.com App
* 3,000+ new definitions now 14,000+!!!
* No dialer warning (to call us if you need)
* 400+ U.S. Case law abbreviations, 300+ legal maxims
+ This app contains primarily U.S. & common law.
+ Problems? Support at TheLaw.com
+ Please remember that this app is FREE. We need your help to spread the word about TheLaw.com and our app.