关于Learn Android Development
Are you someone with a basic level of programming understanding and experience, and now want to step into the Android App Design and Development space? Learn to develop Android applications through this one-of-a-kind tutorial app – where you get to learn Android Development through an Android App! View detailed demos for various Android activities and get immediately implementable source code for each activity. Next, go ahead and build your own Android App by using a combination of activities relevant to your app. Not happy with just demos and source codes? Need some guidance on how exactly to use them? For assistance in developing the various activities available in the App, subscribe to this course on Android Development ( http://www.chalkstreet.com/fundamentals-android-app-development/ ) on ChalkStreet ( http://www.chalkstreet.com ), a marketplace for affordable courses. The course will be available for free for a limited number of subscribers only. Rush to ChalkStreet.com and subscribe to the course now! Alternatively, you can download ChalkStreet's mobile App for Android.
The various Android activities that you'll learn to implement through this app are:
1. Main Activity: where you can change system languages, link to another activity and send emails with the click of a button
2. Wifi Activity: where you can verify if Wi-Fi is available or not
3. Debug Activity: where you can debug your application
4. Forms: where you can create a form for capturing various types of data
5. Material Design: where you can customize your toolbar and toolbar buttons
6. Notifications: where notifications can be displayed on the touch of a button
7. Toast Activity: where a toast message is displayed on touch
8. Options Menu Activity: where a list of clickable options are available in the menu
9. Context Menu Activity: where a menu is displayed based on context
10. Alert Activity: where an alert dialog and custom dialog are displayed
11. Progress Activity: where a spinner or a horizontal progress bar is displayed when a task is being processed
12. Audio Player: which is a basic audio player with play, pause or stop
13. Video Player: which can be used to play videos using the inbuilt video player
14. Camera: which can be used to click a picture using the device's camera
15. Shared Activity: which uses shared preferences to perform tasks like saving data permanently
16. SQLite Activity: which lets you store data locally which can then be retrieved when necessary
17. Content Activity: which fetches and displays your contacts using the content provider
18. GPS Activity: Displays current location on maps using the device's GPS
Download this App and immediately begin developing different varieties of Android Applications. This App is also perfect as a reference guide whenever you want to build an Android Application in quick time.