关于Learn English with Famous Person
用Famous Person学习英语是一个通过视频学习英语的应用程序
Learn English with Famous Person is an application to learn English through videos with more than 1000 videos and 20 categories that will help you improve your English everyday
Do you want to learn English fast and free ? Learn English with Famous Person learn English Easy and Fast is the application you need.
Learn English with Famous Person one of the most life-changing app that exists, and a lot of smart people are using it to revolutionize their English. It has subtitle options for English, so you can share it with your friends and family.
Learn English with Famous Person is an application to learn English through videos with more than 1000 videos and 20 categories that will help you improve your English everyday:
Learn English with Famous Person app include:
Learn English with Steve Jobs
Learn English with Bill Gates,Jack Ma, Donald Trump
Learn English with Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee,Jackie Chan
Learn English with Warren Buffett,Will Smith, Les Brown,Dalai Lama
Learn English with Jeff Bezos,Tony Robbins,Jim Rohn,Brian Tracy
You will learn English through thousands of english movies, english films,english videos and english songs with English subtitles and you must listen english through english movie to improve skill english conversations. Study English quickly and easily!
Listen to the English conversations then practice speaking yourself and you read english with english subtitle in videos. You can speak English daily with a particular video to improve your speaking skill every day.
The user can record his/her voice to practice pronunciation, study english with english video every day.
Display subtitles of videos support user learning English easily.
- Practice listening english each sentence in the subtitle.
- With feature speaking, the application helps to rate the user's voice.
- The user can record his/her voice to practice pronunciation.
- Taking notes and add video to favorite.
- Add favorite playlists.
- Search videos and playlists.
Learn English with Famous Person subtitle is an application for learning English by videos with common topics in English such as:
Study English Vocabulary
Learn English Pronunciation
Learn English Speaking
Learn English Listening
Learn English Reading
Learn English Writing
Learn English Grammar
Learn English Idioms
Learn English with Famous Person is completely free, and you only have to see the lessons one by one, approving everything little by little. The application is quite gradual, so you will not feel overwhelmed at any time, the level will increase very little by little, so it will be very easy for you. We have tried several applications to learn English, but the truth is that Learn English with Famous Person is the most fun, intuitive and easy to use for everyone.
If you want to learn English for free? DOWNLOAD IT NOW. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!