关于呼叫 来电闪光灯 LED
✪ 您是否担心不断错过重要电话? 💥 呼叫 来电闪光灯 LED 💥 将消除您的烦恼!这款令人敬畏的 “来电闪光灯“ 通话中闪烁和SMS手电筒警报LED”将改变一切!您需要做的就是下载我们的 “手电筒下载” 并安装它,这非常容易!这是2019年通话和短信中最好的手电筒。无论您从哪里收到通知,“LED 灯灯” 都将确保您不会错过它们。因此,立即获取您自己的 💥 呼叫 来电闪光灯 LED 💥,看看为什么它是迄今为止用于通话和短信的最亮的手电筒应用程序!
✣ 每次电话响起时,都会以明亮的闪光接听所有电话!
✣ 为消息和呼叫创建不同的闪烁模式,以更轻松地区分它们!
✣ 打开 “来电闪光灯2019”,以便始终可以找到设备!
✣ 如果您在图书馆,电影院,会议或需要静音的任何情况下,请激活静音模式!
✣ 否则,如果您在俱乐部或街道等嘈杂的地方,请完全调高音量和振动!
✣ 在速度不同的三种模式之间切换!
✣ 点击电源按钮以关闭 “来电闪光”!
✣ 当电池电量低时,请禁用闪烁的LED灯以节省电量!
✣ 使此应用程序提醒您有关来自Instagram,Skype,Viber,Twitter,Facebook,Whatsapp或电子邮件等应用程序的所有通知!
✣ 通过留下评分和评论,让我们知道您对我们的手电筒软件的满意程度!
✪ 这件事经常发生在我们所有人身上–在学校或工作期间我们将手机置于静音状态,而忘记重新打开声音却只是发现我们有很多未接来电或信息。 💥 呼叫 来电闪光灯 LED 💥 将不再是问题!值得庆幸的是,这是最好的 “闪光灯通知” 之一,并且当您激活手机时,您不会注意到手机响起。想象一下,如果您没有错过所有重要的电话,或者没有按时看到它们,一个电话可以改变您的一生,那么请不要犹豫,安装此应用程序!
✪ 当有人试图与您联系时,此 “手电筒免費” 不仅可以让您知道,而且看起来非常时尚。如果您想脱颖而出并容易被注意到,该 “闪光灯提醒” 应用程序将为您量身定制。此外,如果您将智能手机放在某个地方而忘记了它放在哪里,可以随时在闪光灯打开时找到它。该程序有许多实际用途,我们建议尝试所有这些用途。也许您可以变得更有创造力,找到没人想到的用途!
✪ 让 💥 呼叫 来电闪光灯 LED 💥 照亮您的手机和一天!毫无疑问,适用于每部智能手机的理想 “来电闪灯”!借助此社交媒体快速警报,可以更轻松地捕获您收到的每个电话和通知!它适合所有人,因此请快速点击'下载'按钮!
✪ Are you worried about constantly missing important calls? The 💥 LED Torch Call Alert Flash Light 💥 will make your worries go away! This awesome “blinking flashlight for call n SMS” will shine brightly from your camera and it will notify you of any and all messages and calls you may receive. This “flash on call and SMS flashlight alert LED” is going to change everything! All you need to do is download our “flashlight app torch light app” and install it, which is very easy! This is the best flashlight on call and text message 2019. No matter where you receive notifications from, the “LED light for notifications for Android” will make sure you don't miss them. So, get your own 💥 LED Torch Call Alert Flash Light 💥 today and see why it is by far the best brightest flashlight app for calls and text messages!
Take advantage of the cool features this brightness flashlight LED torch offers:
✣ Receive all calls with a bright flash every time your phone rings!
✣ Create a different pattern of blinking for messages and calls to tell them apart more easily!
✣ Turn on the “flash blinker app” so that you can always find your device!
✣ Activate the silent mode in case you're in a library, cinema, meeting or any situation where silence is required!
✣ Otherwise, turn the volume and vibration all the way up if you're in a noisy place like a club or on the street!
✣ Switch between three modes that have different speeds!
✣ Tap on the power button to turn off the “flashlight on call and text message and notification”!
✣ Disable the blinking LED light when your battery is low in order to save it!
✣ Make this app alert you for all notifications from apps like Instagram, Skype, Viber, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, or E-mail!
✣ Let us know how satisfied you are with our flashlight software by leaving a rating and a comment!
✪ It happened to all of us too often – we put our phone on silent during school or work, we forget to turn the sound back on only to discover we have a lot of missed calls or messages. That will no longer be an issue with the 💥 LED Torch Call Alert Flash Light 💥! Thankfully, this is one of the best “free flashlight apps for Android”, and there's no way you won't notice when your cellphone rings when you activate it. Imagine if you didn't miss all those important calls you had or saw them on time... One call can change your whole life, so don't hesitate to install this app!