What's new in 1.9.0
- Essential bug fixes and improvements to improve your LIV X Experience
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 LIV Golf 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 LIV Golf 所有旧版本。下载 LIV Golf 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
What's new in 1.9.0
- Essential bug fixes and improvements to improve your LIV X Experience
What’s New in Version 1.8.0
- Improvements to our onboarding and LIV X experience
- Updates to support the LIV Golf Promotions event in December
- Essential Fixes & Enhancements: As always, we’ve made critical fixes and performance improvements to enhance your experience.
Essential Fixes & Enhancements: critical fixes and performance improvements to enhance your experience.
What’s New in Version 1.6:
- Team Championships: Leaderboard updates to support our team championship matchplay event in Dallas on Sep 20—22.
- Essential Fixes & Enhancements: As always, we’ve made critical fixes and performance improvements to enhance your experience.
What's New in Version 1.5:
- Shot Tracing on Leaderboards: See how your favorite golfers played each hole with our new shot tracing feature. Available from players scorecards.
- Enhanced Player Standings & Season Scorecards: We've updated player standings and scorecards for a more detailed view of the season.
- Improved Live Page: We've made it easier to find what you need with streamlined access to leaderboards, groupings, and the interactive map.
Seamlessly navigate your way around the course with our new interactive maps feature. Follow your favourite teams and players in real time and keep up to date with real time scoring and performance information.
What's included in 1.4
- Interactive Maps for all events including Hole and Player views.
- Geolocation
- Player / team tracking
- Hole performance leaderboards
- Upcoming player tracking
- Leaders, Team & Player filters
Seamlessly navigate your way around the course with our new interactive maps feature. Follow your favourite teams and players in real time and keep up to date with real time scoring and performance information.
What's included in 1.4
- Interactive Maps for all events including Hole and Player views.
- Geolocation
- Player / team tracking
- Hole performance leaderboards
- Upcoming player tracking
- Leaders, Team & Player filters
Seamlessly navigate your way around the course with our new interactive maps feature. Follow your favourite teams and players in real time and keep up to date with real time scoring and performance information.
What's included in 1.4
- Interactive Maps for all events including Hole and Player views.
- Geolocation
- Player / team tracking
- Hole performance leaderboards
- Upcoming player tracking
- Leaders, Team & Player filters
Seamlessly navigate your way around the course with our new interactive maps feature. Follow your favourite teams and players in real time and keep up to date with real time scoring and performance information.
What's included in 1.4
- Interactive Maps for all events including Hole and Player views.
- Geolocation
- Player / team tracking
- Hole performance leaderboards
- Upcoming player tracking
- Leaders, Team & Player filters
A relaunch of our homepage with a brand new LIV Golf content feed that brings you an always-on, personalised stream of the things that are most relevant to you.
What’s included in 1.3:
- New Homepage & LIV Golf Briefing feed inc. Videos, news articles
- Small bug fixes
- Addition of Team Playoffs experience
- New Menu design and navigation
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