关于Mancala blackies
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'Mancala blackies' is a Single player board game.
Mancala is a traditional board game.
The rule of mancala is very simple, but a mancala game requires good brainpower.
Don't worry and try this game!
You can acquire the rule easily from 'How To Play' in this game.
- 3 difficulty (AI) levels.
- You can control seeds. (3 ~ 6)
- Very helpful 'How To Play'
1. In your turn, you can select a group of blackies from one leaf on your(green) side.
2. Then blackies move one by one counterclockwise, including your mancala but not the AI's mancala'
3. FREE TURN : If the last blacky lands in the player's own mancala, that player get one more turn.
4. CAPTURED BLACKIES : If the last blacky lands in the the empty leaf on the player's own side,
that player captures all the blackies from the opponent's leaf directly opposite the empty leaf.
5. The game is over when one player has no more blackies to move.
The winner is the player with greatest total of blackies in his or her mancala
and any remaing blackies on the leaves his or her side.