关于Mannequin Challenge -Pro 🍀
Mannequin Challenge app let you make a mobile video of the new challenge and share it with your friends, Ultimate Mannequin Challenge need to record and add Mannequin challenge song or music , also you can add some effect to your challenge mannequin and save it .
make cool video's challenge and share them with your friends.
Also this app have new features that let you be a pro cameraman , record your mobile video mannequin challenge first or import it if you already have it, then add any song in your library. The result is a mobile video without background noise along with maximum quality of your song of choice and import in juju on that beat.
also you can add some effect to your video or cut it and a lot of choice .
Make Video with maximum quality(4K)
share it with your friends # challengemannequin # mannequinchallenge.
mannequin challenge Video Recorder does background recording, NO preview, so you can use your phone as normal and NO ONE can tell you are recording mobile video.
Just one touch for instant recording juju on that beat, screen recorder,schedule recording, SMS recording, or auto recording. HD video. Continue recording when screen off. Many useful features.
★ Unlimited number mobile video recording.
★ Unlimited mannequin challenge video duration.
★ No camera shutter sound.
★ No preview.
★ Clean material design.
★ One touch to start/stop recording.
★ Support video orientation
★ Turn screen off and continue recording mannequin in background mode.
★ Schedule to record mobile video at specific time.
★ Supports front and back camera.
★ Full HD video (4K) recording.
★ Easy to config duration, camera, and video quality.
★ Enable/disable notification, screen message when start/stop recording.
★ Check free storage before recording.
★ Easy to open folder containing recorded mannequin challenge videos record.
★ Auto sync mobile video with Google drive... to help you find your mannequin challenge videos when you lost your phone.
★ Protect videos by passcode locks screen.
★ Show/Hide mobile video from Gallery.
Instal your mannequin challenge and anjoy with your friends