关于Mars Live(Unreleased)
Mars Live was created during NASA Space Apps Hackathon. Please bear in mind that we had limited time so the game might contain bugs and/or unfinished features.
It is a Map-based game, which simulates colonial life on Mars, where each colony has a set of specific tasks, which its colonists will have to complete in order to increase the rating of their colony. The colony division is done according to their respective coordinates on earth, that is, people close enough to each other on the earth, will be in the same colony in the game (we are mapping players' earth coordinates to martian coordinates). Tasks include, but are not limited to, gathering geological data (elevation, coordinates, weather conditions etc.). The vast variety of resources of data that have been used in creation of this game, will make players more aware of Mars in general and they will be more acquainted with everything that Mars has to offer (at least what is known to us so far).
Source of the application is available at: https://github.com/serghov/MarsLive