关于Mat Line
This app will help in the following areas:
Real-time vehicle dispatch by Sacco’s, Clear records on all dispatched vehicles
Easy to track trips done by specific vehicles
Permanent travel records for vehicles
Ease in management of the vehicles at the stages
Reduce overcrowding of the vehicles at the stages since the driver is notified when their vehicle is almost so that they can proceed.
The vehicle owner can easily track their vehicle trips
Reduces chances of overlapping the que by the crew which results to conflicts at the stage areas.
It eases the reconciliation of Sacco fees paid by matatus. This is due to the ease of tracking of vehicles trips
Keeps and promotes discipline among the crew members
Helps improve the behavior of passenger flow inside and outside the station
Access to data of a vehicle which left or changed the Sacco
Helps in data entry and reduces on bulk of worksheets/ helps in filling
It is the fastest method of inter-process communication which lead to better and timely response.
Financial Institutions can easily track active vehicles for their financial purposes
Easy to manage sacco contributions by matatus.