The basic motive of this tool is to identify lost or stolen mobiles and laptops worldwide using Mobile IMEI Number or Laptop Serial Number. Lost or stolen mobiles and laptops IMEI/Serial Number are Blocked/Blacklist on the global database of Mbloker, If your mobile or laptop is lost or stolen, Then Just block on Mbloker Immediately.
If your mobile or laptop is stolen or lost at any time,
From any village, city, or state,
From any country or abroad,
Whether someone has formatted it or not,
Even if it has been 2 or 3 years, You can still block it on Mbloker.
There are some conditions below to block,
1. You must have a mobile bill.
2. You must have a police report.
Go to the Website mbloker.com or download apps from Google Playstore for more information.
The basic motive of this tool is to identify lost or stolen mobiles and laptops worldwide using IMEI Number or Serial Number. If you want to buy or use a used mobile or laptop from any internet website or from an unknown person, then stop, Search the 15 digits (IMEI) number of that mobile on Mbloker, only then buy or use it do. Maybe he is stealing and is selling you.
For the Laptops search the serial number of the laptops on Mbloker then buy or use it.
If you don't know your mobile (IMEI NUMBER) and laptop (Serial Number) and how to get it, then search on Google how to check mobile IMEI number or laptops serial number you will get your answer.
This little information keeps you alert and one step ahead from mobile and laptop theft.
So definitely share this App with all people.