关于Medical Record for clinic hospital and lab
no more data lose as you can record all your cases any time any where in few seconds
Keep all the cases history in your hand
retrieve your patients history in a second
start building very rich data store that you may use in your continuous researches
The FIRST AND UNIQUE dynamic electronic medical record which gives you the excellent and simplest tool for creating your own medical schema, designing and sorting your medical sheet(s)
simplified data insertion and image capturing direct into the database
display data comparisons through different visits
print reports and prescriptions and share with patients or colleagues through email, viper, line whats App etc.
You can create work schema and share it all or part of it with colleagues or juniors to store data according to it
Can share patient and visits data
Safety of data with backup and restore tool to keep data in any memory and can import into any other device.
Multi-level reporting.
Export search results to EXCEL file for statistic purposes