Menssecure is an instant messaging app. What sets us apart from the rest of the apps is the powerful encryption we offer.
When registering you choose your password that you will then use to decrypt the chats. This password is stored encrypted in our database using a powerful algorithm.
Each message that is sent is stored encrypted in our database based on the encrypted password that you set at the time of registration, that is, it has a double encryption method.
To read the messages once you enter the chats you must indicate your password, the password travels from our encrypted database to the smartphone here it is compared with the password you set to display the messages, then with this decrypted password the chats are decrypted so that they are readable.
The decryption is only temporary and visible on your smartphone, in our database the data is always encrypted.
At the time of closing the chat, the messages are encrypted again, if you enter the chat again you must decrypt the messages again to read them.
The chat is left open for more than 60 seconds after the messages were decrypted, they are re-encrypted automatically. If you wish, you can change this configuration for more or less seconds from the configuration of the application.
You have the option of eliminating the chats, by doing so they will be permanently deleted from our server without leaving any trace of anything. Therefore they will be deleted for both users.
Fingerprint functionality.