关于Mexico National Anthem
墨西哥国歌歌曲 - “墨西哥国歌”:音频铃声免费
Download, play and listen to Mexican National Anthem “Himno Nacional Mexicano” (National Anthem of Mexico) or “Mexicanos, al grito de guerra” (Mexicans, to the War Cry) directly on your mobile!
The Mexican tricolor consists of green, white and red vertical stripe. In the middle of the white stripe, there is a national emblem depicting an eagle clutching a snake in its talons and beak. Under this scene, an oak and laurel branches tied with a ribbon in the colors of the tricolor are portrayed. The symbolism of colors is as follows: green stands for independence, white for chastity and purity of religion, and red refers to blood union of local ethnic groups - the blood of Spanish, Indian and bi-racial.
★ Set as alarm, audio ringtones or notification sounds.
★ Simple, lightweight app.
★ Does not require internet connection to use.
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