Mila Air历史版本
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Mila Air的历史版本
- 1.18.2(1999999356)APK下载2025年02月11日108.0 MBAndroid 10.0+1.18.2版本更新
- 1.17.3(1999999347)APK下载2024年09月01日106.1 MBAndroid 10.0+1.17.3版本更新
See (and breathe) into the future: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
Travel with the air: With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.17.2(1999999346)APK下载2024年08月23日106.1 MBAndroid 10.0+1.17.2版本更新
See (and breathe) into the future: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
Travel with the air: With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.17.1(1999999343)APK下载2024年08月17日106.1 MBAndroid 10.0+1.17.1版本更新
See (and breathe) into the future: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
Travel with the air: With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.16.0(1999999341)APK下载2024年07月13日105.4 MBAndroid 10.0+1.16.0版本更新
- 1.14.2(1999999335)APK下载2023年12月02日99.5 MBAndroid 10.0+1.14.2版本更新
See (and breathe) into the future: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
Travel with the air: With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.14.1(1999999332)APK下载2023年11月25日99.5 MBAndroid 10.0+1.14.1版本更新
See (and breathe) into the future: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
Travel with the air: With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.14.0(1999999330)APK下载2023年10月30日99.5 MBAndroid 10.0+1.14.0版本更新
**See (and breathe) into the future**: With Air Quality Forecast Alerts, stay ahead of the incoming air conditions thanks to 24-hour forecasts for ozone, smoke, dust and AQI increases. If an air event is headed to your neck of the woods, you’ll automatically receive a push notification and an update from your Milabot.
**Travel with the air:** With the interactive map, explore the 24-hour forecasts by seeing how these air quality events are moving through your neck of the woods. - 1.13.1(1999999310)APK下载2023年07月29日96.9 MBAndroid 10.0+1.13.1版本更新
Say hello to Mila 1.13, and a brand new onboarding flow at setup. 🙌 Mila will now automatically connect during the pairing process to make it easier than ever to get started. Plus, get vibin’ with Mila’s latest mode – Chronic Mode. Activate this mode and Mila will go into overdrive to get rid of even the stickiest of the icky in the air. It's a touch more hidden than others, for obvious reasons. To activate it, add or switch your room type to Music Studio in the Mila app.
- 1.13.0(1999999300)APK下载2023年05月27日99.4 MBAndroid 10.0+1.13.0版本更新
Say hello to Mila 1.13, and a brand new onboarding flow at setup. 🙌 Mila will now automatically connect during the pairing process to make it easier than ever to get started. Plus, get vibin’ with Mila’s latest mode – Chronic Mode. Activate this mode and Mila will go into overdrive to get rid of even the stickiest of the icky in the air. It's a touch more hidden than others, for obvious reasons. To activate it, add or switch your room type to Music Studio in the Mila app.
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