关于mini RTO - Discontinued
印度获取车辆登记细节。 [停产]
**mini RTO has been discontinued until further notice. Official RTO website prohibits 3rd parties from using their data in any form. Thank you for the support. mini RTO will remain in the playstore for educational purposes. Source code available on GitHub https://github.com/chandruscm/miniRTO **
mini RTO lets you find the details of an Indian vehicle with its registration number.
Details include:
◉ Vehicle Name
◉ Fuel Type
◉ Displacement (cc)
◉ Engine No.
◉ Chassis No.
◉ Owner Name
◉ Registered Location
◉ Registered Date
mini RTO also contains the details of most RT offices across India. You can easily share details as text or image.
• Details are fetched directly from publicly available Govt. records. For privacy concerns, Govt. does not disclose the address and contact details of the owner. You may need to contact your local RTO for such information.
• mini RTO does not govern any of this information nor is responsible for updating it if deprecated or not found.
• mini RTO is not affiliated with the Indian Regional Transport Office or any Govt. agency.
• Registration numbers KL01AW6707 and KL01AQ8293 are shown here with prior permission from the registered owner, no 3rd party is granted permission to use the same.
Please report any issues to
[email protected]