MLM Master历史版本
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 MLM Master 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 MLM Master 所有旧版本。下载 MLM Master 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
MLM Master的历史版本
- 2.0.5(205)APK下载2018年01月19日37.2 MBAndroid 4.0.3+2.0.5版本更新
- 2.0.4(204)APK下载2017年04月05日37.2 MBAndroid 4.0.3+2.0.4版本更新
- Improved display your badges and levels.
- Added a legend to weekly levels (available in the Achievements tab).
- Correct data writing.
- Added Training Plan - Self Caoch 285 days.
- Optimization speed and overall app performance.
- Amendments in translation.
- Improved activity: Promoting Events. - 2.0.0(200)APK下载2016年10月13日35.2 MBAndroid 4.0.3+2.0.0版本更新
- Adding new additional instructions
- Share MLM MASTER app and recive full version for free
- NEW - 15 first days in the PRO version for everyone!
- New daily questions coaching
- Adding privacy settings of your account !!
- Optimization speed and overall app performance
- Amendments in translation
- Adding motivational quotes after scoring points -Some bugs fixes - 1.3.0(130)APK下载2016年07月07日29.3 MBAndroid 4.0.3+1.3.0版本更新
- New design of the activity module
- New activity - Building Depth and Promote Events
- Search of candidates by the temperature
- Improving time format 12h/24h
- Greater transparency in the history of gathered achievements, visible ranks
- New helpful coaching questions in Self Coach module
- Simplify the user's profile
- Improved scalability on smaller smart phones
- Optimizing speed and overall app performance
- Improved naming of features
- Amendments in translation
- Some Bug Fixes - 1.2.9(129)APK下载2016年05月24日28.8 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.9版本更新
- New design of the activity module
- New activity - Building Depth and Promote Events
- Search of candidates by the temperature
- Improving time format 12h/24h
- Greater transparency in the history of gathered achievements, visible ranks
- New helpful coaching questions in Self Coach module
- Simplify the user's profile
- Improved scalability on smaller smart phones
- Optimizing speed and overall app performance
- Improved naming of features
- Amendments in translation
- Some Bug Fixes - 1.2.8(128)APK下载2016年05月20日28.8 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.8版本更新
- New design of the activity module
- New activity - Building Depth and Promote Events
- Search of candidates by the temperature
- Improving time format 12h/24h
- Greater transparency in the history of gathered achievements, visible ranks
- New helpful coaching questions in Self Coach module
- Simplify the user's profile
- Improved scalability on smaller smart phones
- Optimizing speed and overall app performance
- Improved naming of features
- Amendments in translation
- Some Bug Fixes - 1.2.6(126)APK下载2015年12月10日27.4 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.6版本更新
- Changes in the Free and Premium accounts,
- Added a brand new feature "Self coach" for Premium users,
- Improved interface of the app,
- Added local notifications,
- Increased the safety of your contact list,
- Improved promo codes,
- Bug fixes and performance improvements - 1.2.4(124)APK下载2015年12月08日27.4 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.4版本更新
- Changes in the Free and Premium accounts,
- Added a brand new feature "Self coach" for Premium users,
- Improved interface of the app,
- Added local notifications,
- Increased the safety of your contact list,
- Improved promo codes,
- Bug fixes and performance improvements - 1.2.2(122)APK下载2015年08月18日26.8 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.2版本更新
- new functionality "discount codes" (in beta version),
- the ability to collect free days Premium for referring applications to your friends,
- a number of fixes and improvements,
- we look forward to your comments and feedback of correct operation of discount codes. Only through your help we can for once fine-tune to the reliability of the module. Please sent your comments to email: [email protected] or by using the contact form in the app. - 1.2.1(121)APK下载2015年08月05日26.8 MBAndroid 4.0+1.2.1版本更新
- new functionality "discount codes" (in beta version),
- the ability to collect free days Premium for referring applications to your friends,
- a number of fixes and improvements,
- we look forward to your comments and feedback of correct operation of discount codes. Only through your help we can for once fine-tune to the reliability of the module. Please sent your comments to email: [email protected] or by using the contact form in the app.
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