MLZS移动应用程序为Mount Litera Zee学校学生
MLZS Mobile application covers all areas of school work related to students. Students can view all activities related to their work at school that includes areas like Attendance, Classwork, Homework. The various aspects covered under this application include :
1: Timetable
2: Calendar
3: Examination Schedule
4: Attendance Record
5: Send Mail to teachers
6: Library Book status
7: Homework and Classwork
8: School Notifications
9: Transport Details
10: Fee Details
11: Fee Payment Details
12: Alerts - both in SMS and Email
After downloading, students can log in using the existing User name and Password. For parents with two children can copy another version of the app in the same mobile and login separately.
Students can also communicate with their teachers using the Mail to Teachers module in the app.