关于Mod Mcpe For Pixelmon 0.15.0
如果你是一个热衷国防部MCPE对于Pixelmon 0.14.0,0.15.0情人那么我们可以保证。
If you are a keen Mod Mcpe For Pixelmon 0.14.0,0.15.0 lover then we can assure that the mod
Using the mod Pixelmon for Minecraft PE 0.13.1, you will see in the game a huge number of new creatures, all of them will be the analogs existing in the universe of the Japanese cartoon poke.
To satisfy the hunger of pokemon you need to feed him. By doing so you also increase its level. Feeding frenzy has a set of specific foods which cannot yet craft, but can be obtained with the commands:
Poké Ball Feature
- Rare Candy
- Thunderstone
- Waterstone
- Moonstone
- Leafstone
- Firestone
- Duskstone
- Dawnstone
The mod comes with additional textures and their sounds. They are necessary to ensure that the mod functioned as well as possible. Sounds allow you to create a specific atmosphere and textures will create an image of a pokémon