5.0 and up
Android OS
Nudimo vrhunsko ponudbo izdelkov za urejanje, nego ter podaljševanje nohtov, organiziramo pa tudi izobraževanja oziroma tečaje ter brezplačne delavnice, kjer vam pokažemo kako pri manikuri svojim strankam ponuditi storitve na višjem nivoju.
Pri nas so na voljo tako profesionalno geli za nohte kot izdelki za domačo uporabo, pri izbiri pa vam po potrebi z veseljem seveda tudi svetujemo, saj si želimo da sebi in vašim strankam nudite najboljše.
We offer a top offer of products for nail care, care and extension, and we also organize trainings and courses and free workshops, where we show you how to offer manicure services to your clients at a higher level.
We offer both professional nail gels and products for home use, and we will be happy to advise you on the choice if necessary, as we want you to offer the best to yourself and your customers.
Moniqueshop APK信息