MOOOD 帮助您每天跟踪和提高您的团队精神。
MOOOD helps you to daily track and improve the spirit of your team. Yes, now you can track your organizational climate DAILY.
Our purpose: To put the world in a gooodmoood.
Team members use the app to input their daily moood with just 1 clic. As simple as that.
Team managers use the platform to easily visualize their team’s moood.
Top management can visualize and track the whole company’s moood.
They can use the Moood Index as a new KPI to set moood goals for the organization.
MOOOD helps the team to express their feelings every day.
MOOOD helps the management with timely info they can act on, to improve the overall company moood.
Subscribe to MOOOD and start putting you company in a gooodmoood. www.getmoood.com
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