关于MovieList - Movie to-do list
Keep track of movies you would like to watch with MovieList!
MovieList is a todo list for movies. Simply search for movies using our online movie database provider and add movies to your MoveList so you can remember what you want to watch next.
Some of the features include:
- Browse popular movies
- Receive a push notification the day before a movie is being released in theaters!
- Receive details of the movies you like including the description, release date, and IMDB information
- Automatic movie title detection based on what you're typing
- Sync your MovieList across all of your Android devices
- View movie trailers of your favorite movies straight from the app
Remove all ads from the app with a $1 in-app purchase! If you have any issues relating to your in-app purchase, please email us at info@getmovielist.com with your issue and we will do our best to resolve it.
View the top five most popular movies on Movie List by going to http://www.getmovielist.com/
Never forget what movies you would like to watch again!
Full network access - Accessing the internet is required for looking up movie information, playing trailers, etc.
Run at startup - MovieList needs this permission to ensure that your notifications are set after a device reboot.
Google Play billing services, View network connections - These permissions are required for processing in-app purchases.
Control Vibration - MovieList needs this permission to vibrate your phone when a notification is received. You can remove vibration in the settings.
Feel free to email me with any bugs / comments / suggestions.
- Bug fixes