MSPGame 是一款新的 Play2Earn(P2E)加密游戏。
MSPGame is a new Play2Earn (P2E) crypto game. MSP is a Fly2Earn and also a Fight2Earn game. Using MSP tokens, you can buy game objects like Fuel, Weapon, Airplanes (Fighter), Helicopter and many other things and prepare yourself for Earning or Combat and sell your earned tokens. Besides, you can buy our NFTs like Gas Station and Auto Pilot to have passive income. Nowadays, there are many ways to earn money in crypto domain, but only few let you earn while enjoying. With MSP as a Fly2Earn game, you can simply pilot a plane and collect and earn MSP tokens and sell them to earn money. As a Fight2Earn game, you can fight against other players to win their funds.