关于Muntakhab Ahadith In Hindi
Munthakhab Ahadees was translated into Tamil by “Maulana Muhammad Roohul Haq Sahib”, which is a ready reference to guide the mankind towards the righteousness and enjoining the good and forbidden all evil deeds for the development and construction of an ideal society.
The word "Munthakhab / Muntakab / Munthakab / Muntakhab" is an Arabic word, which is translated in English as "Selected".
The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" is also an Arabic word, which is translated in English as "Sayings of Prophet Muhammadh (peace be upon him)". The word "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" is the plural form of the Arabic word "Hadees / Hadith / Hadeeth" which means the same as "Ahadeeth / Ahadith / Ahadees" but in singular form.
There are 1507 Ahadeeth spread across different sections
1. Iman and Aqeedah (Faith) (200)
2. Salah (Prayer) (280)
3. Ilm and Dhikr (Knowledge and Remembrance (of Allah)) (333)
4. Ikram Ul Muslimeen(Love and Respect for All Muslims) (390)
5. Ikhlas (Sincerity of Intention) (62)
6. Daw'ah and Tabligh (Calling and Inviting People to Allah) (193)
7. Avoiding the Irrelevant (49)