关于muse Parent
muse Parent is bringing every parent virtually into their kids classroom.
"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents."
muse Parent connects you with teachers and pre-school to build amazing classroom communities for a holistic view about the kid's development. With the power in your hand, you can have real-time feedback about the kids activities, skill development and classroom and school events.
The in-app messenger connects you with teachers or school on the go without any hassle.
With the transparent and 360 degree seemless connectivity, you can simply open the app and know anything about the school activities such as parent-teacher meet, notices, academic calendar, daily activities, fees payment,
1. muse Moments captures the cute moments from the school of your kid.
2. A quick glance through recent achievements by the kid in virtue of the activities participated by them.
3. Graphical representation of the amount of time child involved in different types of activities.
4. Fees Payment and Flexi Pay option for you to pay fees.
5. Attendance and Leave Notification
6. Homework and Home DIY activity notifier.
7. Weekly consolidated Activity Review System.
8. Active Feedback Mechanism to Teachers by Parents.
9. Reward points achievement for each activity completion and redeem rewards from muse Asset Store.
and many more!