关于Music Pro - Moza Solution
音乐专业版 - 大桥梁,给大家交朋友,分享激情
Who are you?
- You're a fan of music
- You are the one who wishes to be happy
- You need motivation
- You are a frequent worker and family
- You are aware of your own health
- You are the one who likes to connect with the community
- You are the one who has bad memories
- You are creative
- You want to share your own songs for the music community
Come to our Music Pro app:
- Great app that improves your kissing life
- A great app for your health
- Coming to the Music Pro app, the tired, anxious and depressed will fly away
- You will really be relaxed by the best music quality
- A community that is passionate about your music - where you share a lot of fun
- Apply variety of music genres, meet the needs of your favorite
- Always upgrade to make you feel better, love yourself and the people around you
- You will be negotiated share with the songs for music
- App: Android native
- Governance: Yii2 FW
Source code:
- Ready to provide the source code for the customer needs
- Application development support on demand
- The team of enthusiastic support, dynamic and high technical level
Contact now: +1 2097594333 - http://www.mozasolution.com