关于Mutant Zombie Monsters 2
Mutant Zombie Monsters 2 is a free action platform game where our undead hero battles hordes of zombies with a variety of high-powered weapons. Currently, there are 10 levels to make it through and 5 survival arenas. Mutant Zombie Monsters 2 is a HTML5 game that is a hobbie project and in ongoing development, so feel free to provide reviews and feedback!
1.1 Update:
* Survival Arena Mode Added: Survive infinite zombie waves for as long as possible
* 5 Arenas
* Zombies Killed High Score Added
* Survival Time High Score Added
* Weapon Power Adjusted
* Increased 50 cal fire speed
* Reduced ammo for AA-12 Shotgun
* Zombie Gibs and Deaths Improved
* Improved Zombie AI - More Aggressive Zombies
* Exit Game Button Fixed