Bug Fixes: We've squashed some bugs to enhance your app experience. Thank you for your feedback!
Performance Improvements: Enjoy a smoother and more reliable app.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 MWS: NIMC MobileID 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 MWS: NIMC MobileID 所有旧版本。下载 MWS: NIMC MobileID 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Bug Fixes: We've squashed some bugs to enhance your app experience. Thank you for your feedback!
Performance Improvements: Enjoy a smoother and more reliable app.
Have you had trouble getting your OTP on your phone? We now offer the option to receive your OTP on your registered WhatsApp number.
With the Selective ID feature, your identity is now even more secure. You can choose which information to share when someone verifies your identity in the app.
Other bug fixes.
The latest release includes:
1. A bug fix for add to Apple Wallet
2. A refreshed appearance for the virtual NIN screen
3. Security and performance have also undergone improvements
This latest update incorporates fixes for date of birth (DOB) inaccuracies.
The "wrong ID level" error message relating to verification has been addressed.
We have also enhanced our security measures.
To enhance your overall experience, this update includes a host of enhancements and bug fixes.
Here's what you should expect from this experience:
Improved Performance: We've optimized the app's performance, resulting in faster load times and smoother navigation across all screens.
Enhanced Security: Our latest update includes security improvements to protect your data and maintain a secure environment.
For the vNIN details screen, enjoy a fresh, simple interface.
1. Implemented an alternative login for NIN holders who cannot remember their NIN. First name, last name, and date of birth are required for validation.
2. Added quick link to view Verification credit balance.
3. Minor bug fixes.
We have redesigned the Document Number on the Show ID screen to an improved Digital ID Number, that conforms and is compliant with international standards (ICAO 9303).
To view your new Digital ID Number, launch the NIMC Mobile ID application, then click the Show my ID menu option, you will be able to view your digital ID in the new format.
SUPPORT FEATURE: Do you need help getting issues resolved? We have created a support feature on the mobile app to assist you when necessary with just a few steps.
We have made downloading the NIMC mobile app easier by creating a link on the website that takes you to the app store to enable you to download the app without much hassle.
Simply click on the download app link on the website and proceed to download the app and use it at your convenience.
We updated the NIMC app to make it easier, faster, and more reliable for you.
Here are a couple of enhancements you’ll find in the latest update
Report Linked Mobile Number: You can now report strange numbers that are linked to your NIN with just one click.
Restore a Reported Linked Number: Mobile numbers previously reported can be restored easily.
Tour Guide: We now have a tour guide to help you find your way.
We also squashed a bug in the New Update Promote.
Enjoy the app!
We’ve tinkered with the internal workings and polished some rough edges.
You can now request a login OTP with their linked Mobile Numbers using the new feature “I want to use another number” during onboarding.
MWS now empowers you to view all Mobile numbers linked to your NIN - which is your right. You can now also report any suspicious mobile number, and later request updates for new lines you got which may not yet have appeared in the app. Your Identity is yours.
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