关于My Job
Gateway to a better future, an interactive APP for job seekers & nation builders
Unlike business purpose placement apps, #MyJob is a social responsibility initiative of #Karnataka4Employment, known as K4E, to empower the youths of the state to shape up their career.
Apart from providing regular updates of job openings in both Government and private sectors, MyJob and K4E will also take up your issues related to education, recruitment, job security, selfemployment and overall career development.
We have opened 4 dedicated Helplines for General Students, Technical & Professional Students, Unorganized Sector Employees and Self-employed. In case of any irregularity or nepotism in admission, examination, skill training, recruitment process, regularisation of job, job security, promotion, selfemployment or entrepreneurship, you can contact us at:
E-mail: karnatakaforemployment@gmail.com
Phones: +919606195831/32/33/34
We thank Anudeep and Vijay who are more than technical persons in building this APP.
Fixed stability issues