关于My Personal Assistant
My Personal Assistant is one of the app with a cool factors like none other in the store, take your phone's coolness factor to a whole new level.
NOTE: My Personal Assistant currently supports only English language.
My Personal Assistant is more than just a show off, this app can be your personal assistant keeping you informed about
calls, text messages and what more, control your phone settings like turning on WiFi, Flash, Bluetooth, play songs ,set alarms,notify battery level.
My Personal Assistant adds a cool factor to every thing he does making you look awesome!
My Personal Assistant is one of the most powerful and comprehensive management tools to improve your android phone's performance.
1. Voice messaging through the TTS.
2. Reading of incoming text (including Google Voice).
3. Set Alarms for you to wake up at particular time without opening clock/
4. Give you the directions of nearby places.
5. Location based actions. Perform any function that My Personal Assistant can do based on your current location.
6. Custom voice shortcuts to your phone applications. You can open the apps by just speaking the name of the app.
7. Opens Camera and Gallery on Voice Directions.
8. Opens Music player.