关于My Photo Phone Dialer - My Photo Screen Dialer
Personalize your choice image dialer with your selected images through My Photo Phone Dialer - My Photo Screen Dialer app. An app that has the best way to make your photo screen dialer without any cost. Make more adorable your call screen dialer and use awesome tools to make a call. Use different caller screens from anyone and share this app to make more adorable your mobile screen with a single touch.
My Photo Phone Dialer - My Photo Screen Dialer app which allows users to change the mobile caller dialer screen with their own images. This app special design for all users who are interested in the change caller dial pad. These all are amazing tools to change the caller screen with the best Bg with from gallery collection photos. Now no need to use a boring dialer screen to apply your own wish image and convert it into the best image dialer pad.
My Photo Phone Dialer - My Photo Screen Dialer application which has an option like...
_One tap to allow all permissions
_Easy to view dial-pad
_Simple touch to view contacts
_Provide settings like...
_Set dial-pad Background
_Change dial pad buttons
_Change BG from gallery
_Change dial-pad font style
_Allow speed dialer with different code contacts
_Set dialer tone
_Vibrate on touch
_Caller Name Announcer with Call or SMS settings like speak caller name, Repeat mode, Text before the call, Text after a call or instant preview the voice
_Flash alert on incoming call or on incoming messages
_View instant call block list
_Make dialer screen attractive
_Make awesome your dialer screen
_Apply your own image into dialer screen