The MyLaTrobe app provides La Trobe students with personalised information to help make the most of their time at university – and beyond.
Features include:
- My Study: Check when and where your next lecture is, log in to your LMS and library accounts and get in touch with student advisors.
- My Tools: Feeling lost? Check your campus map. Find out where to park or when to catch a bus. Check your emails, too.
- Career Ready: Take advantage of the Career Ready Advantage scheme to prepare for your future career. Learn about the qualities and personal attributes valued by employers, and undertake activities to make sure you meet them. Track your progress via the Career Ready dashboard, unlock rewards by building your skills, and build a skills portfolio to show employers when you graduate.
- Connect: Get the latest on student clubs and societies plus all the news, events and promotions around campus.
- Support: Connect with mentors and advisors. Check out course FAQs. Get information about accommodation services, childcare, counseling career services and more.