关于Name Tatto Design Ideas
Name tattoos are becoming more popular as a way to pay tribute to loved ones. What’s in a name? Our name is our identity, it has a power over us. Our parents must have spent hours or days deciding what name to give us, and it was probably one of the most important decisions that they have made when you were born, speaking as a mother of 2 boys, it took me months to figure out the best name I would call my sons. Without our names, how would people call us then? Every name has its own character, that is why names are very special and must be well thought of. If you can’t get enough tattoo quotes, enjoy these!
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.” – Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
As for name tattoos, to have your name tattooed on your love one, doesn’t that makes you feel very special? There’s no exact year when name tattoos became popular, but to have a name tattooed on your skin must be something you have decided and thought of properly. I know some people who regretted it after they broke up with that person, but don’t you worry if this will happen to you since there are thousands of talented tattoo artist out there who can cover it up into something more amazing.
Name Tatto Design Ideas:
are compiled to give you ideas. You can have the name of your children, your spouse and even your parents tattooed. Make sure when you have decided to get a name tattoo that it will be something you won’t regret, so if it’s a name of your boyfriend who you’ve been going out for 3 months, forget it, unless you have a good tattoo artist who can redesign it for you after you are through with him. People tend to change their preference a lot! You are welcome for the tip.