关于New Guide WAR ROBOTS
Having a well balanced hangar is important. You should have at least one fast robot for beacon running, a couple of strong Knife Fighters and depending on the number of hangar slots a midrange and/or long range support or sniper.
Starting with a beacon runner or knife fighter is generally considered the best option; starting with a long range support robot is frowned upon by most players.
If you really prefer the support role, start with another robot first, and then if it is appropriate bring in your favourite sniper or artillery unit.
When your Robot first appears on the map you will see a countdown timer as the game waits for all the players to appear (spawn). You can't move until the countdown finishes, but you can pan the camera. Use this time before the match starts to pan around and get your bearings and observe what robots and weapons your team mates have chosen and where the closest beacons are. This will give you a good idea who is likely to go for beacons and what sort of support you will have during battle.
If your team is made up with mostly light robots then this should be easy. However if they are mostly slower robots and you are in a slower robot too - then you may have to capture the beacon you are closest to.
It can be annoying to have to go for a beacon that a faster or closer team mate should have captured. But not capturing both of your side beacons early is the quickest way to lose the match.