Get ready for some football!
Check out the latest updates and additions to NFL Clash!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a loading issue when starting the game for the first time
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Get ready for some football!
Check out the latest updates and additions to NFL Clash!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a loading issue when starting the game for the first time
Get ready for some football!
Check out the latest updates and additions to NFL Clash!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with collecting completed League Challenges
- Reduced the delay when opening chests from promotions in the Store
- Fixed an issue preventing League members from opening Profile pages of fellow League members
2 new Cards are making their NFL Clash debut, Cooper Kupp (Epic WR Possession) and Trevon Diggs (Epic CB Ball Hawk)! Stay tuned for more info on their Showdown Event, coming soon!
League Challenges:
Join a League to make sure you are participating in League Challenges! Receive rewards as your League works together to complete various Challenges! (This feature will be turned on after this app update is released.)
Timeouts are getting added to NFL Clash! You now have 1 timeout to use at any time during your match.
Updated Overtime rules! Each player gets 1 possession and the overtime clock has been removed.
Route Toggling:
Receivers now have different routes that you can choose from. Tap on the Receiver to toggle through available routes on Passing Plays!
Updated tags on various Cards to make sure they are in the correct NFL Conference. This will also update the Cards available in Conference specific Store packs.
Updated various player photos to be up-to-date with the NFL roster. Visit our Reddit to see the full list.
The Aaron Rodgers Card has had his Speed set to Average and Passing Attribute increased
Special Abilities:
Added the Brick Wall/Breakup Special Ability to the Bobby Wagner Card
It's kickoff time! NFL Clash is now available worldwide.
Create a team of your favorite players and take on NFL fans from around the globe in head-to-head football action!
It's kickoff time! NFL Clash is now available worldwide.
Create a team of your favorite players and take on NFL fans from around the globe in head-to-head football action!
It's kickoff time! NFL Clash is now available worldwide.
Create a team of your favorite players and take on NFL fans from around the globe in head-to-head football action!
Updating 3 Cards to stay up-to-date with the NFL player roster:
Drew Brees (QB Pocket Passer) will be switched out for Justin Herbert (QB Pocket Passer)
Deshaun Watson (QB Escape Artist) will be switched out for Cam Newton (QB Escape Artist)
Julian Edelman (WR Possession) will be switched out for Justin Jefferson (WR Possession)
Added 3 new Abilities to Epic Cards Saquon Barkley, Davante Adams, & Richard Sherman
Special Abilities:
Added Levels to Special Abilities so that Special Abilities get upgraded as you upgrade Cards
Added new Special Abilities and Counters including: Sprinter (Julio Jones), Bullet Pass (Tom Brady), Air Control (Jalen Ramsey), Break Up (Darius Slay Jr), Offense Rally (Tyron Smith) and Defense Rally (Deforest Buckner)
Added on field displays for Special Abilities, include ability stamina and visual effects
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