关于NiLS Lock Screen Notifications
Bored with the stock lock screen notifications? replace them with NiLS lock screen notifications without replacing your lock screen app*.
Get Heads-up notifications while you are using another app with a direct-reply option without leaving the app, even on Android 4.3!
What NiLS can do?
✔️Show notifications on your existing lock screen, on any device running Android 4.0 or later.
✔️Show heads-up notifications on top of the current app you are using on any device running Android 4.0 or later.
✔️Allow you to perform any notification action such as archive gmail, callback a missed call, control music playback and many more.
✔️Allow you to directly reply a message (on support apps including WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook messenger and many more) directly from the notification.
✔️Allow you to mark WhatsApp or Telegram messages as read without opening the app.
✔️Allow you to fully customize the look of the notification including colors, sizes, transparency, placement and many more.
✔️Allow you to control privacy options so you can decide which information you want to show on the notification for any app.
*Important Node
Unfortunately since Android 8.0 NiLS can no longer draw on top of the lock screen due to Android restrictions. I'm working on a full standalone lock screen that will be able to replace Android lock screen but it will take a while.
What professionals has to say about about NiLS?
🔹 "You certainly should check it out.." - PhoneArena
🔹 "Just a sexy quality that I love about it!" - AndroidSPIN
🔹 "Much-needed feature to Android's default lock screen" - LifeHacker
🔹 "Making it easy to read an email in its entirety without unlocking your device" - TWIT - Android App Arena
🔹 "Actionable Lockscreen notifications, Android-Lollipop style" - PhoneArena.com
Community & Support
🔘 Visit our FAQ for common issues and solutions on http://bit.ly/nilsfaq
🔘 Join our Google+ community on https://plus.google.com/communities/115156552435983276604
🔘 Post your ideas and suggestions or vote for others on http://nils.ideascale.com
🔘 Contact us for any issue or question on https://roymam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
* Some features requires Android 4.3 or above and some features requires a premium upgrade within the app
- Added additional media notifications (Audiable).
- Prevent NiLS appear on home screen after device unlocked with fingerprint sensor.