关于No Flags
Flip all the safe tiles, avoid the X's.
What if you couldn't mark bombs on the board and instead had to guess your next move. Would you survive or would your luck run out?
This game is a response to how in Minesweeper you have to use flags to cheese the win if you get in a situation where you have to choose between 2 tiles, 1 safe 1 a bomb. In this game you have to guess but if you hit a bomb the game isn't over, but your flawless leaderboard run is.
If anything glitches out report it below pls. I found it didn't work on my 5 year old phone but YEMV. Please leave a rating and a comment if you have any ideas or suggestions or feedback it really helps make it better.
Optimized screen resolutions (should work on all resolutions):
1080x1920, 720x1280, 1440x2560, 1440x2960 +more coming
30 x 16 large board
16 x 16 medium board
9 x 9 small board
Continue button coming (if I can get it working)
Coming soon (probably)
Better tablet support
clear leaderboard/delete specific scores
More resolution optimization (need your feedback)