关于NPS Compendium of Open Exploration
This printed journal is a compilation of published research output of Noel Palo Sobejana as part of its advocacy in providing a scholarly output in field that best interest the community and by public demand. Nonetheless, the following studies are the basic core training period in the field of development and research. The first ever research paper that published is the output from an academic endeavor trough studies and strengthening the academic requirements as part of final requirements. Others are collaborative efforts of some authors and researchers that making difference or change is also the passion. After this, what some called accidentally done or sometimes forcedly generated to fulfil once vision became the simplest but the major core many research output that being developed and explored and also published not only in journals but also through the internet and soon to be in a Mobile Application.
The goal is to print but when change or others may move by this act, the ultimate happiness and fulfillment of the authors purpose purred-out in almost full of glass gratitude. The articles are in line with Information Technology discipline but because of love and passion in the chosen carrier it expands to multidisciplinary discipline which at the end of the day makes it fun and enjoyable.