关于NuClass India
NuClass India is a very useful teaching and learning app. It may well be suitable for a student who wishes to attend regular online classes organized by school along with other classmates or attend a one-on-one revision session with the tutor. Thanks to this application, students know their schedules and plan ahead to accomplish tasks, assignments. The software interface is minimal and pleasant to use. NuClass Indis available for free.
On the menu of features useful to students, we can obviously note the possibility of creating recurring events (courses that take place every week, for example) with reminders to the key by email.
Thanks to this application, you will be able, from your smartphone or tablet, to attend your classes and accomplish your goals individually or with classmates.
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Video conferencing made easy
NuClass India is a video conferencing application for schools allowing students to attend classes and chat with your peers and teachers.
The service offers encryption of discussions by default making your conversations completely secure.