关于Numa Vital 2.0
Records all your body analysis metrics right on your Mobile App. Lets you record and keep the history (up to 90 days) for you to view the progress conveniently anytime and anywhere.This app is designed for maintaining all records of your body analysis metrics.
we have your own login.we can eaisly create your own profile. in this app we can eaisely connect with vital via bluetooth. we can see results in a sec.we can eaisely calculate the body parameters such as Weight, BMI, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Body Mass.we can eaisely get information of measured things via email.
Features(For vital)
Sync With Bluetooth
Step on the Scale
See results on your Mobile in a sec
Comprehensive Health Metric Report
User Friendly Design
Available in Android and iOS app
Many more features, enjoy them, we wish you a very happy and healthy living
- Numa Team