*******Currently we are delivering at limited (400053, 400058, 400061, 400104) Pincodes only in Mumbai*********
Want to get refreshed instantly!
Go Orbango! Here’s a great new Juice Ordering app that gives you fresh and lip-smacking juices &
shakes whenever and wherever you want em! And guess what, it will reach you within 30 to 45 minutes.
So while you can choose from a super range of shakes, juices and blends, you can also plan when and on which day you wish to repeat your order. When you have guests at home, or visitors at work or you want to avoid eating that boring snack or you want to just feel fresh...Go Orbango! As in, just punch in the juice you want on your smart phone and within minutes you shall have chilled juice at your doorstep!
1. A simple new way to place a juice order in seconds
2. Dynamic delivery estimated time, basis where you are. If you are near a delivery centre why should you not get your order in 10 Minutes!
3. You can set a juice plan. Set your own frequency – day of the week, time of the day and till how long you want to have your particular juice. But you don’t have to pay for it in advance for the period that you set. You pay as you consume.
4. You can order from anywhere and not only from your fixed given address- be it work, office or on-the go.
You can change the address each time if you wish to.
5. Simplified payment interface - Save a payment mode, use the wallet to preload money.