关于Orbital Moon for Watchmaker
Orbital Moon使用当前月相的详细图像作为面部。
If you don't have it, you can get it here: http://goo.gl/FMxUfY
Orbital Moon uses a detailed image of the current phase of the moon as the face background. The face and hands can be set to display standard 12-hour time or 24-hour time. There are optional windows for the day of the week, the day of the month, and the temperature. There are also optional indicators for the day of the lunar cycle and the times of moonrise, moonset, sunrise, sunset, and the current 24-hour time.
Installing the Orbital Moon app on your phone does not make the faces available on your watch. To do that you need to go into the Watchmaker app (available on Google Play) on your phone, go to the My Watches area, select the face you want to install, and tap the "Send to Watch" button. The face you sent will then appear as one of the options under the "Watchmaker" face in the face selector on your watch.
Watchmaker does not provide moonrise and moonset times. It also provides only imprecise lunary cycle data. If you want that information you need to use a phone app that provides that information to Watchmaker. One app that will supply that information is WW Dark Sky. It is not yet available on Play, but it can be downloaded from apps.aslanrefuge.org.
If you are using the "WM Phone Notification Mode" app (available on Google Play) your phone's notification mode (normal, vibrate, or silent) will be shown near the top hour mark on the outer dial.
Tapping the bottom sub-dial will toggle your phone between normal and vibrate-only notifications modes if you are using the "WM Phone Notification Mode" app (available on Google Play). Otherwise it will toggle the display between normal and all black.
Please email [email protected] if you have questions or run into problems. I will do what I can to help.