关于Overcome Narcissism Self & Ego by Angie Atkinson
Listen to a vast number of helpful audio workshops, lectures, meditations, and daily affirmations provided by highly renowned life coach, Angie Atkinson, to help you in your journey of recovering from narcissistic abuse and to assist in you in better identifying and understanding narcissistic behavior.
RECOVER FROM A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP: Have you sustained ample emotional damage at the hands of a narcissistic partner? With the assistance of the many recovery techniques and practices, guided meditations, and audio programs, you can heal the emotional wounds you have endured and feel confident about your ability to be in a healthy relationship.
BE AWARE OF SIGNS OF NARCISSISM: Does your love for you significant other sometimes blind you to their deleterious behaviors? Do you have trouble evaluating your own behaviors at times? Identify signs of narcissism in your relationships, stop narcissism from destroying your relationships, resist abuse, and create the healthy relationships that you deserve through Angie Atkinson’s powerful teachings and practices.
CREATE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: Does it feel like you keep attracting people of harmful archetypes into your life? Through the power of the various teachings, techniques, practices, and meditations provided in this app, you can learn to develop a healthy sense of self-worth, attract the love you deserve, and create an abundance of healthy relationships.
FREE APP: This app is free to download, and includes 100+ hours of free audio courses and workshops. Subscribe now to gain access to all available content (in-app purchase fees apply).
GET ON TRACK: Audiojoy makes it smooth and simple to stay disciplined in your recovery from narcissistic abuse and overcoming the damage endured with torrents of helpful techniques, meditations, and professional advice provided by this app.
This app makes it easy to continue your recovery from Narcissistic abuse, identify narcissism within your relationships, deal with a narcissistic partner, and understand the phenomenon of narcissism through the numerous recovery courses, mindful techniques, and meditations you will find in this app.
This app is packed full of great features to help you get rid of the relationships that drain you, stop tolerating abuse, and create healthy, fulfilling romantic relationships:
+ 1000+ audio tracks, 100+ hours of content
+ Daily featured audio content
+ Search and explore all content
+ Add to a favorites list
+ Listen when offline
+ Build a playlist of the tracks you want to hear
+ Read along with the text version
+ Sleep and meditation timer
+ Looping relaxation and meditation sounds (over 2.4 million combinations)
+ Daily inspiration notifications with powerful artwork to keep you motivated
Audiojoy creates simple-to-understand, how-to content to create happier lives. We believe that everyone has the ability to be the best they can be. Audiojoy makes it easier than ever to put these techniques into practice so that you can master what you want and stop what you don’t. Download our apps, launch your own program, and start learning today!
This app includes hundreds of hours of audio programs, podcasts, and recovery techniques. Here are samples of the audio content you will discover in this app:
+ Discovering Toxic Narcissists in Relationships
+ How to Deal Narcissistic Mothers and Parents
+ Just for Men Narcissistic Abuse from Relationships Recovery
+ Life After Narcissistic Abuse - How to Find Happiness Again
+ Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Support, and Coaching
+ Neuroscience of Personalities (Empath Training) and Psych Hacks
+ Overcome Narcissistic Abuse - Starting with the Basics
+ Psychology and Body Language of Narcissistic Behaviors
+ Resources for Victims of Narcissism and NPD
+ Self-Esteem for Narcissistic Abuse Survivors
+ The Secret Law of Attraction for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
+ Understanding and Dealing With Toxic Narcissists
and much more...
- Fixed the mysterious “Track Name” bug, sorry ya’ll
- Other small bugs squashed
- Fixed rating app annoyance; sorry about that one.
- Way improved audio player… Yay!
++ jump ahead/back
++ repeat track, playlist, content group
++ control playback speed
- Fixed bug with inspirations getting stuck (we hope)
- Fixed bug with playlist stopping after one track (we hope)
- Improved audio player performance