This application is meant to be an Overwatch player's guide to all the different aspects of the game. This application offers a plethora of different functions that suits players of all skill level! For newer players, it has a library of youtube resources that leads them to basic guides and videos that may assist them in their transition to the game. For intermediate players, this application offers detailed description of all the skills of the heroes and the specific statistics, logistics, and numbers used for damage calculation! For expert players, this application has a handy search function that let's them keep track of their (or competitors') statistics in Overwatch games via a link to Overbuff. For simply bored players, this application also has a database of rich lore and stories for them to binge read and attain a better understanding of the underlying story behind Overwatch. I do not own the license to any of the copyrighted content produced and owned by Blizzard Inc.