关于Pairs Generator FREE
您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
Pairs generated automatically!
What is Paris Generator?
A simple and intuitive application for creating random pairs, quickly and easily.
What I can use Pairs Generator?
Pairs Generator can help you Quickly create pairs in different situations in which not want to decide for yourself as matching to Different People, animals or things.
Situations such as:
• Tournaments between friends without discussing who plays with whom.
• Create pairs to seat their children in school.
• As students sit on the bus.
• Make pairs with people who have just met
In addition, you can invent a thousand and one uses the application.
Main features of Paris Generator:
• Database names. You only have to add once the names you want to manage. (The FREE version can only store a maximum of 10 names. Full version has no limits).
• Import names from the contacts phone, so that facilitates the creation of its database of names. (Only available in full version)
• Creating groups of names to logically organize their names as needed. For example you can organize your coworkers, friends, participating in a tournament, participating in a round of play and every situation you can imagine. (Only available in full version)
• Create pairings by selecting a group
• Storing the results of the pairings. (Only available in full version)