关于Pakistan Flag Face Photo Maker
Happy Independence Day and August to All Pakistanis. Make Your Flag Face Photos !
Install Pakistan Flag Face Photo maker app in your phone, and make Pakistani Flag DP for your Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media accounts. 14 August and independence day celebrates are already started in Pakistan and to celebrate it on social media, it is very best to have Flag on Your Face to show your patriotism with Pakistan.
In order to use this app, follow the instructions outlined below:
1 - Take Photo or Import Classic Photo from Your Photo Gallery
2 - Now Choose any Flag Type from given list of Pakistani Flags and use it
3 - Now use the Seek Bar to set Transperancy
4 – With Rotate button you can rotate the Flags to adjust accordingly on you selected photo
5 – Once finalized, you can save it and then share it on Facebook and WhatsApp
Pakistan Zindabad. Happy Independence Day. Lets rock on 14 August 2017.
Pakistan Flag Paint Filter
Minor UI Improvement
New Banners Added