关于Pangya HWI Calculator Free
This app is absolutely necessary if you want to make hole in ones (HIO) in Pangya!
Just fill in the parameters required and you'll see how many Powerbars you have to adjust for a HIO or Chip-in. It is that simple.
Currently, there are 4 different modes:
- Tomahawk 1W
- Backspin 1W
- Advanced Tomahawk 1W
- Custom HWI
For the more experienced players, please give me feedback and I'll attempt to process that into the next release.
Have FUN!
Older ChangeLog:
### V2.0 ### Major update!
- Awesome new design of the whole app!
- Swipe between different modes!
- App uses less memory!
- App can be used in landscape mode now!
- Improved usage for android 2.x and 3.x devices!
- App size is twice as small!
- Back button implemented in the top left!
### V. 1.3.2 ###
- Fixed crash on tomahawk 1W calculation. Sorry!
### V. 1.3 ###
- The app now determines the wind-distance adjustment itself by looking at your wind speed and wind angle! You now only have to select whether you have a head or a back wind! How easy can it be?
### V. 1.2 ###
- Ability to add up to 1 decimal at elevation for higher accuracy.
### V. 1.1 ###
- Added estimated power of the shot
### V. 1.0.3 ###
- Added option to move to External Storage
- Fixed problem that you couldn't fill in a dot (.) at elevation in some calculations
- App stays active when your phone locks your screen
### V2.0.1 ###
- Removed landscape mode since it did not match with layout
- Background fits screen now on 7 and 10 inch
- Bug fixes
### Older changeLog can be found at the bottom of the description ###