关于Passover Assistant
Preparing for Passover is now a little easier.
This app includes these great time savers:
* MA NISHTANA TRAINER: Offers a karaoke-style tool for learning the four questions. Makes learning the Ma Nishatana more fun and personal.
* KEY PASSOVER TIMES: Look up holiday times for anywhere in the world (When to burn the chametz, light holiday candles, holiday ends etc.)
* PASSOVER CHECKLIST: Create a to do list for everything from cleaning to shopping and even track what percent of your Passover prep has been done.
* MEAL PLANNER: Planning your meals is made easier with our handy Meal Planner. Add your own recipes or use Chabad.org's extensive Kosher for Passover recipes
* SHOPPING LIST: Shopping is made easier as you can connect recipes to your shopping list or simply add individual items (e.g. make sure you have enough candles).
* PASSOVER RECIPES: The app comes preloaded with hundreds of kosher for Passover Recipes -- all searchable and organized by type.
* SEDER TIPS: Make preparing for the seder easier with our broad collection of seder preparation tips and guides from Chabad.org.
Additional features include:
* Sell your chametz
* Seder Finder
* Ask the Rabbi
Keep up with our updates as we will be adding more features to the app as Passover nears.