关于PEFAG 2013
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Executive Club for the fourth time is organizing the “Private Equity Forum & Awards Gala”, which will take place on the 5 June 2013 in the Sheraton Warsaw Hotel. Programme of the conference was created in cooperation with the distinguished members of the Programme Council.
At the previous conference we managed to engage the interest of a wide circle of business related authorities, as well as the media and investors, in the issue of private equity. The conference has in fact become the most important event in the sector for entrepreneurs and participants in the capital market alike. What distinguishes us from other events of this type is the highest level of discussion. This year, as has been the case with previous seasons of this notable event, we shall tackle some of the most up-to-date and relevant issues.
We also wish to continue last year’s success by again organizing the gala of “Private Equity Awards”, which has become a unique and excellent promotional vehicle for the industry. The idea of awarding the best companies and individuals in the sector provides for an even wider promotion of the funds’ undertakings. Private Equity Diamonds are an interesting display of the added value that the funds bring into the development of Polish companies and the capital market.