关于PH Online Shoppers Philippines
Online shopping has never been so informed before.
Key features:
- Daily price tracker covering popular e-commerce websites, with more than 100,000 items analysed daily
- interested with an item? Compare price side by side with all offerings from multiple online merchants and get the best deal
- Has a preferred online merchant? Our app shows dedicated price tracking list by each online merchant
- Ready to order? Just click on the item link to order from the e-commerce website. All under the same app, streamline user experience
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Current online e-commerce websites under our daily survey
Baby & Toddler- www.motheringearthlings.com, shop.babyshop.com.ph, www.thebabystoreph.com, www.zebebe.com, milkandhoney.ph
Grocery - www.grocerydelivery.com.ph, www.unitop.com.ph
Markeplace & Shopping - www.etsy.com.ph, mall.hallohallo.com, www.shopee.ph, onestopshopmarket.com, www.weemall.com, www.greatvalueplus.ph, www.goods.ph, global.rakuten.com.ph, www.bayanmall.com, www.ezushop.com, www.newchic.com.ph, ph.carousell.com
Pharmacy, Beauty & Personal Care -
Lifestyle & Gadgets - www.courts.co.id, www.abenson.com.ph, ansons.ph, www.emcor.com.ph, kimstore.com, www.youpoundit.com, www.villman.com, pcgilmore.com.ph, abubot.ph
Hardware & DIY -
Beauty & Fashion - www.nextdirect.com.ph, www.gobuy.com.ph, ph.althea.kr