关于Phoenix Bird Screen Lock
凤鸟 - 屏幕锁定。
Phoenix Bird - Screen Lock.
Bird Phoenix is a mystical creature that captures its beauty and even more legends. Perhaps all of us at least once would like to touch this legend. Feel the power and strength that goes from him. We made this application to fill you with the power of Phoenix!
Who is a Phoenix bird? The legend about it in various ways has existed for many centuries. The only thing that remains is that this supernatural being, which has lived for 1000 years, was a symbol of renewal. There is a version that an eagle with golden feathers, anticipating its death, burned itself in its nest, and from its ashes a chick was born. According to another version, this mythological creature built its own burial fire and fell into the fire to reborn again. There are several theories about what may have given rise to such legends. Probably the Phoenix bird has been captured in Asia and sold in the hope of a higher price to foreign visitors along with wild stories about the legendary powers of its as a mythical being. There is also a theory that someone saw a plain peacock illuminated by the sun, and thought that the bird was in the fire. There are a number of versions, none of which can be documented.
The next theory of the origin of the mythical creature is rather bizarre, but it may be more true than some others. The phoenix bird may have been a raven or a raven dancing in the fire that went out. At first glance, this may seem strange, but the truth is often more absurd. According to this theory, a flying creature sits on flush grates, like in a sauna, enjoying a high temperature and spreading its wings in full width. From the shimmering flames, the color of her feathers seems golden. After another session, having broken the wings, she begins to intensively waving them to cool. From these bursts, the rocks are heated, and the phoenix in the meantime safely flies. Despite the fact that there are many legends and tales about this unique, mythical creature, the constant in them remains the unearthly beauty that the bird has. A photo of various pictures serves as a direct proof of this.